Thursday, March 8

Visit to the Santa Elena Peninsula

November 2011
A group made up of some members of the Pro-Bosque Foundation, with the purpose of  learning about  the prehistoric megafauna that existed thousands of years ago on the Ecuadorian coast, visited the Palentological  Museum of the UPSE (Santa Elena University).  Archeologists have found evidence of the presence of megafauna that existed more than 20000 years ago like gigantic sloths and mastodons, and we will incorporate this information in our guide programs.

Palentological Museum UPSE

Pro-Bosque Staff in Palentological Museum UPSE

After the visit to the museum, the group went to Ben Haase’s Whale Museum. These exhibitions show giant whale bones and some specimens of preserved young cetaceans.

Ben Haase’s Whale Museum

We also had the opportunity to see the artificial salt pools of Ecuasal, recently declared a nature The Saltponds show how activities of man can coexist harmoniously with nature.  Haase has carefully studied and banded migratory shorebirds and water fowl and has recently published a book “Aves marinas del Ecuador continental y artificiales de las piscinas artificiales de Ecuasal”.  A highlight of our visit was seeing groups of the stunning Chilean Flamingos phoenicopterus chilensis.

Artificial salt pools of Ecuasal

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